The Ultimate Goal is Top Surgery for Transgender Man is very true. We, everyday lives for the day for being free. And for us, ftm top surgery is the only way to being free. Before top surgery, I used to wear chest binders.
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Our first mission was to start our transition from female to male. But this is not easy. There is a lot of pain, and lots of struggles that we had to face in our every step. But this is the happiest moment when we see ourselves for the first time in the mirror that we really are by top surgery.
Top Surgery is a single or double-step surgery. It depends on the surgeon and surgical procedure. This is high time to share my and my trans friend’s top surgery journey with you. But before that, I want to say to you ” Never Lose Hope”.Let’s share some information so that any beginners can understand.
What is top surgery?
Top surgery is a surgical procedure that allows you to remove fat and skin from your chest for looking masculine and 2-4 hours surgical operation. There are two types of surgery, Keyhole Top Surgery and Double Incision Top Surgery.
What is Keyhole Top Surgery?
Keyhole top surgery calls the surgical procedure that makes a gash along the nethermost half of your areola, so it’s semi-attached. Removing bone towel and performing liposuction. Resize your nipple if necessary. It’s a 1-2hour procedure and you can go home on the same day as the doctor’s said. For example:

What is double incision Top Surgery?
Double incision FTM Top Surgery, is the most widely technic and it’s for the person who has large breasts. During the surgery, The skin is opened along two horizontal incisions, at the top and bottom of the pectoral muscle. (The muscle itself is not touched.) It’s a 2-4 hours procedure and you can go home the next day as the doctor’s said. For example:

What is my FTM top surgery journey?
It was my painful but happy moment. I had top surgery on 26 March 2021. Luckily I had not to wait more time for top surgery. At first, I met my surgeon and discussed the surgery procedure.
As he said double incision surgery is the right surgery for me I do it. He gives me to do some tests and must covid a test. I did and the doctor fix a date within a week. My family wasn’t supportive at the time. That’s why I left the house before surgery. But When they accepted before 1 day of surgery, I met some of my family members. I had the surgery the next day. So, my family members and my brother/friend was with me for help.
My surgery time was 5’o clock and a nurse set up a channel and give me some liquid medicine before the surgery. When I go to the operation theatre, It’s like “After some hours, I will be a free man. I will not need chest binders anymore.” I was very happy inside. My surgery starts…
I was unconscious at that time. After surgery, I saw I am going to my hospital room. When I opened my eyes, I touched my chest for the first time. It was the happiest moment that my tears came and my mouth smiled. I had pain inside the body and it was speechless. As the doctors said I didn’t agree that I could walk on the same day or go home on the same day. It was extremely painful and I can’t explain it.
The nurses give painkillers all over the time but the inside pain can’t be decreased. After 1 day, when I tried to walk to the toilet, I faced blood clotting. The drains were inside my body. So, it’s not easy to go to the bathroom. So, they are giving some pods for the toilet in the bed. My body temperature is high and sometimes low. Nurses monitor it every 2 hours. After 2 days, the doctor discharged me and removed my drains from the body. I felt a fever in my body. Then I take high doses of medicine. I take 6-7 tablets for the first 8 days. Then 1 tablet per day for 2 times.
After 8 days of surgery, I met my doctor and he cut my bandage and did some dressings. Plus he gives me a surgical chest binder for wearing at least 45 days. But it is very hard and painful to wear. I had an infection on 45 days of surgery. I contacted the doctor and he said it would be okay after time. and It was okay after 10 days of infection
After my surgery, some of my friends had top surgery and everyone had different experiences with top surgery. They are fearing the bottom surgery. Some had very many infections and some were easily passed by surgery(they hadn’t much pain in the chest).
Is double incision ftm top surgery painful?
Yes, Kind of. But your surgeon will provide you with the best care for this treatment.
What other trans man doesn’t share the painful experience of top surgery?
Actually, I asked the same thing to a senior trans brother. He replied that if he share the painful experience with the new trans guys, they can’t move for surgery. And yes, it’s true. But you know after the painful experience I am getting ready for bottom surgery after this year. Hopefully, I start my bottom surgery in 2023 or the end of 2023. I don’t fear the pain but for the money issue, I can’t go for surgery.
oh, I forgot that our country’s insurance doesn’t cover the surgery costs. So, I earned the money by doing work. I’m a digital marketer and affiliate marketer. If you purchase anything from this site’s link, I will get a commission and I’m saving money for my next surgery. I haven’t any familiar support for covering the surgery. Anyway, I hope everyone finds a beautiful life in a beautiful way. Never lose your hope brother.
How to remove ftm top surgery scars?
Yeah, my ftm top surgery scars are visible but I haven’t any regret for it. I had to use bio-oil for 3-4 months but it works pretty slow. My surgeon doesn’t suggest any medicine. So, I use it from my own idea. I researched that some of the trans guys get benefit from it. Follow more about Top Surgery
Can I take off my hormone injection during top surgery?
Depends on the individual. Actually, my surgeon said to off testosterone during the top surgery. My hormone date was 15 March and my top surgery date was 26 March. I had hypothyroid or thyroid. So, my blood level is always ups and downs. So, my doctor advises me to take hormones after 12 days of ftm yop surgery. Follow the article: How to start hormone treatment
FTM Top Surgery Recovery Tips:
- Don’t carry heavyweights.
- Don’t go to the sunlight area without cloths.
- Take Proper Medicine on time.
- Follow Surgeon’s Instructions.
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