FTM STP Packers

The Best Stand to Pee Packers With Packing Underwears

When begin talking about stand to pee packers, we think about how to pee with an STP packer, how to buy, which is ideal for our body, and whether the stp prosthetic is safe or not. We have discussed Transgender FTM Stand to Pee Devices, FTM Harness, and FTM Button-fly underwear. Read more about the Essential products of Transmen

What is STP Packer?

STP packer is a device. Trans-Masculine and nonbinary individuals may practice “packing” using homemade device or buy from online to create a masculine-appearing bulge suggestive of male genitals. This population may also use devices that allow them to urinate standing up, known as stand-to-pee devices (STP), which may double as packers. A device that enables the user to stand to pee in public toilets or washrooms.

STP Packers shows the visibility of masculinity. Besides, it reduces the user’s bottom dysphoria.

Which companies provide the best stand to pee prosthetics?

There are very few companies that furnish the best stand to pee prosthetics among the users. Here are the company’s names :

  • Axolom
  • Emisil
  • Aomuo
  • Transguy Supply
  • Early2Bed
  • Peecock
  • Realmagic
  • Rodeoh
  • Etsy
  • Transthetics
  • Gendergear
  • Ftmpitshop
  • Freetom
  • Gender cat

Which is the best stand to pee prosthetics for long-term use?

Axolom, Transguysupply, Emisil, Gendergear, Trans Ethics, Real Magic Early2bed’s STP packer is good for long period use. It counts on on the users. Before purchase, any STP packers, read the notes and must have read how to use them properly.

Can I pee in the restroom if I wear an STP packer?

Yes, there is a little gash where the liquid pulls down. You can obtain it at home or in public toilets.

Now we will bring about 3 classifications where we share the bellow queries with their explanations.


  • FTM Stand to Pee Packer under 1000$
  • FTM STP Packer under 300$
  • FTM STP Packer under 100$

Which is the best Stand to Pee Packers under 1000$?

Seems you have a nice budget and we prefer Emisil highly. Emisil Stand to Pee Packers is amazing for long-term usage. Not only that emisil packers are realistic, ultra-soft. The plus point of email has multiple colours and It looks like a perfect match for our bodies. We highly recommend Emisil packers if you find FTM STP packers under 1000$. Besides, trans ethics, Reel Magik, Peecock works great. Reel Magik pricing is highly expensive. But it gives 6 months of warranty. That’s amazing.

ftm packer under 1000$

Which is the best STP Packer under 300$?

Mrimin, Axolom, Trans Ethics, Emisil, Gender cat, FTM pit shop, freetom is providing the best FTM STP Packer under 300$. Emisil has only a few collections under 300$. Besides, the gender cart has some relatively exclusive varieties under 300$-350$. FTM Pit Shop is a small trans-owned company and gives their best stp packers from 89$-160$. Every individual has a different taste. So, we prefer you can browse the below pictures.

Which is the FTM stp Packer under 100$?

100$ is not a low budget, my dear. It’s something that we can accomplish through our hard work. Everyone wants high-pricing stp packers but does not have the money for this. In this situation, Mrimin, Axolom and transguysupply gain the heart of trans guys. Ask us why not. Axolom gives stand to pee prosthetics for 59$ and STP packers(no hole) from 25$. On the other hand, transguysupply gives us stp packers from 45$. Rodeoh, ftmpitshop, early2bed, Etsy, and other companies’ stp devices are also user-friendly.

Which erect stp packers are best for sex?

Peecock and Emisil are highly advised for it. If you expect us to help you discover one, then It’s a quick harsh for us to say.

Emisil has erect stp prosthetics for sex especially. If you glimpsing for something that you used only for sex, then we highly recommend Emisil and you should go for emisil erect stp packers. Besides, if you think having an stp packer which has the three options ( pee, sex, play), then you should go for peecock with their pleasure rod. Their pleasure rod(but rod) is specially stolen our heart. It’s so amazing.

As we say in the caption, we gonna tell you which harness you should buy or which harness is right for you.

For a few years, we explored several websites for the right harness but haven’t seen many harnesses. But in short, we got some good harness FTM for trans gentlemen.

Which is the best ftm harness for trans guys?

Harness FTM that provided by peecock, rodeoh, emisil, trans ethics is good enough for use. Same for FTM button-fly also. Check their website for product information.

Can I make ftm harness at home?

Yes, you can. We find out a video and if you want to build a harness ftm at home, you can make it.

Can I stand to pee with no device?

Yes, Possible.

FTM stand to pee issues:

  • Lack of Pee
  • Choosing a wrong packer
  • Doesn’t understand how to use
  • Stopping pee something into the funnel
  • Hole is very small for pulling

Here is some of the issues of ftm stand to pee. But we are trying to solve it slowly. For Fixing:

  • Understand your body.
  • Try multiple times at home.
  • Don’t choose a small hole stp packer.
  • Understand how to use.
  • Understand the funnel, how it works.
  • Don’t stop peeing without leaking.

Which companies donates stp packers?

Axolom, transguysupply,early2bed, and other few companies donate stp packers. From our knowledge, axolom helps the trans guys mostly who can’t afford a stp device. You can directly contact them if you are honest and needs a packer for bottom dysphoria.

Which Emisil Stand to Pee Packers we suggest?

There are two types of stand to pee packers available in emisil store. 1. Uncircumcised 2. Circumcised. From our choice, we suggest some stp devices that you could buy.

Emisil STP Packers
Which Axolom Stand to Pee Packers best for trans man?

Mostly trans guys love Axolom Thinker and Handy from our review. We had recently shared a review on the topic of Thinker Stp packer. We will share more axolom packers reviews in the future. We suggest buying axolom thinker, knight, or handy which size you would like.

Axolom STP Packers
How to stand to pee with axolom stp packer?

Axolom gifts us a product and we test and use it for 3-4 months. We have made 2-3 videos regarding how to stand out in front of the toilet and how to use, pack, everything. Here is a video.

Which early2bed Stand to Pee Packers best for trans man?

There are some stand-to-pee devices that is good and realistic for trans guys such as Hugo stp packer, sam stp packer, model a stp, number one stp packer, sport stp packer, flip n tuck stp packer, realistic stp packer, etc. There is available multiple ftm underwear briefs, harness, jockstrap, etc.

Early2bed STP Packers
Which Transguysupply ftm packers is best?

From our dictionary, we suggest purchasing their free, xl, lou,sport stp. Check the website if It’s available.

Transguysupply STP Packers

Which transthetics stp packers we should buy?

There are different products based on trans men’s needs. In the transthetics store, the EZP stand to pee packer, EZP junior stand to pee packer is for a pee, the joystick Bono STP packer is for pack and play, the meta extension is for the visual look of a penis after metoidioplasty surgery.

Regarding Harness: You can get ftm harness from the below stores.

  • Early2bed
  • Trans Guy Supply
  • Axolom
  • Rodeoh
  • Peecock

Early2bed Harness

Early2bed provides some companies ftm brief harness that helps to pack with stp packer. The FTM harness plays a very important part in trans man’s regular life. Here is some early2bed harness.

Early2bed Harness

Axolom Harness

Axolom has recently launched some FTM underwear, briefs that are specially made for packing. These are soft and well. The axolom harness is good-looking. Let’s check out.

Axolom Harness

Rodeoh Harness

Rodeoh made different ftm brief harness for multiple companies like emisil and others. Their harness is popular and easy to pack with STP packer. You can visit their site and check out their products.

Transguysupply Harness

Transguysupply provides harness, packing underwear, boxer briefs,button fly underwear for ftm transgender. Here is some images and check out for buy.

Peecock Harness

Peecock harnesses are very well for regular use and a trans man can confidently use their packer. There are some companies who provide the best FTM harness and peecock is one of them. You can try their stp harness, FTM boxer brief, FTM button-fly, etc.

Peecock harness

Important Notice: Trans LGBTQ helps all the new and experienced companies of STP packers to build their business through articles. For product reviews, you can send us your products such as the FTM stand to pee device, FTM harness, FTM butter-fly underwear, and others. Mail us – at [email protected]. We would love to share our reviews from this website. The reviews won’t be paid. This will be the real review as a user. The review we wrote was based on our own experience. Charges may apply for external linking.

Thanks for reading the article. We always like to share various information among the trans community through the site. Thanks for staying with us. We will love to share some beard oil that works for us, transgender books, and surgeons before results in the future.

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