FTM STP Packers

Axolom Squire STP Packer

Axolom Squire STP Packer Review: FTM Packer

At the beginning of our FTM transaction, we find small STP packers at cheap pricing. It’s because we aren’t interested in carrying big STP packers in the beginning or it makes us awkward. So, we choose to help the trans guys to have a 3-in-1 STP packer which is small … Read more

Cheap stp packers for transman

Axolom Handy STP Packer Review: Stand To Pee Prosthetics

Most of the STP packer is not made in the right direction. Some packers are very hard and some packer is so soft that It’s unable to pee. So, we need to choose the right FTM STP packer. We think Axolom Handy can be perfect for almost all the trans … Read more


Transguysupply XL STP Packer Review: STP Prosthetics

Have you reached our blog by searching ” Transguysupply STP PACKERS”? Yes? We know that. This article is specifically made for Transguysupply xl STP packer review. It is also called STP prosthetics. There are some packers in Transguysupply. We have written some STP Prosthetics articles and included this product. In … Read more

Axolom Thinker STP packer

Axolom Thinker 3 in 1 STP Packer Review: FTM STP Packer

The article is about Axolom Thinker 3in 1 STP Packer Review. In this article, we gonna share 6 months of using the Axolom Thinker 3in 1 STP Packer. What is an STP Packer? STP Packer is called a “urinating device ” that is used to stand the cock in front … Read more