FTM STP Packers

How To A Transgender Start Weight Loss Journey Without Gym

This article is based on the weight loss journey for transgender. There is much scientific research on the internet. This weight loss journey doesn’t require any products. This is not only for trans man, everybody can start their weight loss program. We won’t include or suggest any products in this article. So, don’t worry. By reading this article you can be helpful.

I made the post by targeting transgender people. Because of hormone therapy, every transgender has gained weight. This is very normal. But we can control it by our routine and food habits. This weight loss journey for transgender can be useful and the best way to decrease weight. The name of the weight loss method is ” Intermittent Fasting “.

Weight Loss Journey Without Gym

What is Intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting means a scheduled timing where you can make a routine that is related to 16 hours fasting and 8 hours of eating in a day. Example: You can eat from the morning 11 am to 7 pm. After 7 pm you can’t eat anything. You can drink water, tea, and juice that should be sugar-free.

Intermittent fasting includes:

  • Eat healthy food
  • Maintain 16 hours of fasting
  • Try a workout(Walk or anything that you easily do)
  • Drink water-related things.
  • Use Suger Free products
  • No sugar foods
  • Avoid unhealthy foods
  • Avoid fast-foods
  • Eat limited foods that fill your stomach

Is intermittent fasting working for everyone?

Yes, If you can maintain and follow dieting, then it will definitely help you. In case of a headache, you can drink anything without sugar in fasting time. During eating time, you should only eat healthy foods that fill your stomach. If you eat a lot of food, you’ll feel hungry in the fasting time.

Would you like to read an informative article? Read: Bottom Growth Hacks for Trans men

Why should need to work out for intermittent fasting?

As much you start doing work out there is a huge chance of losing weight. It is a scientifically proven method. At least you can walk 2-3km a day. It also may help. To know the results: 10 Intermittent fasting results

How many days do I have to do intermittent fasting?

7-8 days a month – can be a great method of losing weight slowly. But that’s not mean you can eat unhealthy food during the time when you aren’t fasting. Try to eat foods without sugar or minimum sugar or use sugar-free products.

Vegetarian and Non-vegetarian people also can start intermittent fasting. This is a method for everyone. There is not much of gender or anything.

For intermittent fasting, make your own custom plan

  • Make your own morning time of eating(exam: 11am/12pm)
  • Eat delicious healthy food
  • Avoid sugar-related foods
  • Avoid fast-foods
  • Eat an egg every morning or an alternative(70 calories)
  • Workout plans(walk, jumping, running,anything else)
  • Food plans for a week
  • Eat proteins
  • Eat hot water in the morning that grows your metabolism
  • Make your own end time of eating(exam: 7/8pm)
  • Avoid milk-related foods(Digesting problem)

How much weight I can lose?

6-8kg or anything. Depending on your body. As much as you work out, you can lose much weight.

REVIEW of Piyash

Hi, I’m Piyash, the author of this site. I didn’t believe that it worked. But I started my weight loss journey because a favourite YouTuber had shared their journey and I was very much confused that if it works with transmen like me. I thought I should try it. I lost 1.5 kg in 2 days. I was amazed and feeling awesome.

My weight was 67.9 kg when I started. After 2 days when I calculated my weight, it was 65.5 kg. Wow. I like to share the positive vibes among my trans brothers and sisters. Due to top surgery, I couldn’t start gym and I was very unhappy because of my tummy(fat belly). I lost a total of 3.5 kg in the first 7 days.

I will do an intermittent fast after 10 days. I will update those stories very soon. My weight loss journey was cool and also hard time for me. But we should ignore some hard things to achieve goals. The goals bring us happiness and joy which is good for health also.

The table chart shows 16-21 March 2022.

DaysWeight Decreasing chart
365.5Lost 1.5KG
564.9Lost 3KG
764.50Lost 3.5 Kg
My weight loss journey was slowed down because mistakenly I eat ice cream that mixes high sugar. I request all buddies to avoid outside foods which include sugar.

The problems of intermittent fasting:

  • The excessive headache pain
  • Mind, my stomach is very hungry
  • can’t sleep the first day because of headache pain, stomach pain
  • Feeling hungry during the fasting time.

After starting intermittent fasting or a weight loss journey by intermittent fasting, you should eat at least 500 calories, 600 calories for men. You can take the middle point of 550 calories. Because of hormone therapy, our body is changing frequently. We’ll share a chart.

Schedule time of intermittent fasting

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