FTM STP Packers

Affiliate Partner Programme

Trans LGBTQ, We are a small team. We make informative article, commercial articles. We started our journey in 2020. We have some affiliate partners.

Yes, we earned some commission on product sales. We attached some links in products page. By purchasing products through our links, we earned few commissions. Commission is used for this blog site hosting, domain, contents, marketing, etc. We would love to share affiliate partners.


Affiliate Partner

Axolom is a STP prosthetics company who made packers for transgender men.

Email: [email protected]


Affiliate Partner

Mrimin is a FTM prosthetics, packing underwear company for transgender men.


Affiliate Partner

Fytist is a chest binders brand that provides chest binders for women & trans guys.

Trans Guys Supply

Affiliate Partner

Transguysupply is a FTM prosthetics, packing underwear, chest binders company for transgender men.


Affiliate Partner

Transthetics is a STP prosthetics brand that provides FTM STP packers for trans guys.


Affiliate Partner

Amazon is a universal brand that FTM prosthetics, packing underwear, chest binders and many other products for transgender men & others.

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